Monday, 23 October 2017

Alpha V5

v5 change log

-Introduction scenes for the NPCs
-Enemies will no longer put you back in a stance if you got out of a stance that turn. So you can now run from double elves!
-Increased all enemies HP.
-You can now remove accumulated penalties from losses. For a price.
-Surrender has been redone to allow more options.
-New scene for elves if you lose to two of them.
-1 new enemy! Slime Girl!

-Fixed forest disappearing if you added in a new location.
-Energy can now properly be increased at character creation.
-Character creation boxes no longer resize themselves.
-Assorted bug fixes
-New text functions available, such as bolding and italics, also pink coloring.
-Mod guide now tells you how to add images correctly. (My bad.)
-Cleared out clutter files in the Ren'py folder.
-Rehauled loss scene detection.
-More event functionality.
-Skills can have new limitations for use and can remove stances.
-Fixed how skills with multiple resistance targets calculate damage.

-Broke existing save files.

Find the newest version on the downloads page!

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