Saturday, 28 April 2018

Alpha v14 changelog

-20 new equipment items. Well 21, but I don’t really count the one that’s only for selling.
-3 new breast targeting skills, one new healing skill, and a skill to analyze enemies.
-7 new perks for the player to get.
-Kyra has received somewhat of a rework, she also now has sex scenes if you beat her once you know her name, or you could talk to her instead.
-The generic alraune has had her skills tweaked and her loss scene extended.
-Elves have a new loss scene if you are having sex with them when you lose. Also dialogue has been added if you cum inside them during anal or sex.

Combat Changes
-Changed damage calculations, again. Now power and willpower now both apply to defence.
-Tech now also helps get out of stances and restraints. But not as effective as power.
-Stances are about 3% easier to get out of over all now, aside from the tech change.
-The turn order equation has been changed to make it more random. Meaning after a certain point the highest tech, with a bit of luck too, won’t always go first.
-Max arousal now starts at 150, up from 100.
-Max Arousal now goes up at the same rate as energy. +5 every other level. Down from 10 every level.
-Enemies have also had their arousal changed.
-Players starting energy increased back up to 50.
-Changed healing skill calculations.
-Teleport and distract now have a small chance to fail.
-Lowered the potency of many aphrodisiacs.
-The sleep status effect has undergone a bit of a rework. It now gets closer to putting you to sleep every turn but reapplications of it don’t increase the sleep counter. You also can not have the effect put back on you until some turns pass after waking up or using an item to remove it.

Other Changes
-Updated the luck stat description in character creation to better describe all the stuff it actually does.
-Updated the allure stat description as well.
-Some items now require you to progress to become available in the store.
-The perk options at level up are now sorted alphabetically.
-Spider gal is now named Camilla. The manticore will get her name implemented in a later update.
-Generic lizard girls have gotten a bit of a tune up to skills and dialogue.
-All enemies should now have anal combat text where applicable.

-Kyra now has character art.

-Fixed a perk sneaking into the players skill list and breaking shit.
-You can now actually remove all fetishes with the all button.
-Using skills from the menus out of combat now properly costs for it’s use.
-Possibly some other stuff.

-Numerous typo, grammar fixes, and line tweaks thanks to Williamtheshatner. About the whole game prior to this update now.

Systems and Modding
-All ‘requires’ fields in the game are now arrays, allowing for multiple items to be required.
-Added some perks specific for enemies if you want to make something weird. They stop targeting of specific body parts like spider gals no anus perk. Except for pussy, breasts or mouth. Mostly for weirder more specific monsters you may want to make.
-Monsters can now have scenes when the player defeats them.
-You can now change an events progress from another event, loss scene, or NPC talking.
-New text function, |n| will split the line in half, displaying each half in turn. Can be used multiple times in a line.

Save Integrity: Good But remember to update your save in town to avoid any oddities. It’s in options.
Mod Integrity: Good
All instances of "retraint" must be replaced with "restraint" in any custom skills.

All requires fields need to made arrays. Eg requires: “” to requires: [“”]


The following must be put into a monsters victoryScenes, an write out a scene if you want.
In any case, without it when you beat the monster the game will crash if you don’t give them this.
        "NameOfScene": "",
        "move": "",
        "stance": "",
        "includes": [""],

|n| : Splits the line, displays the everything before |n|, then after that screen will display the second half. Useful for long attack descriptions or long player orgasm lines. Can be used multiple times in a line.


  1. Is there a way to send bug/mistake reports direct? The comments section doesn't play well with error logs.

    Anyhow, here is some stuff.

    The everlasting game of whack-a-mole that all programmers must play.

    #001B: When in the breaking-stance menu, you can't exit without selecting a stance to break.

    #003B: When you learn a skill, the text 'You learned...X" will remain after doing a tooltip for some other thing.

    #005B: I could proceed up the mountain via climbing, despite not having enough energy. Aside from this, I think the player should be permitted to use their inventory during this choice - it is a good time to quaff a potion.

    #006B: When I cleared on of Elly's skill pages (the first page still had stuff), the arrows for switchin pages disappeared.

    Various words that are not spelled correctly, don't flow well, exceed text boxes, ect.

    #001W: During the Imp Trio battle in the Forest Dungeon, there can be too much text for the dialogue box. Also overflows in the history

    screen. "The Two imps work your..."

    #002W: Ancilla's Fluff Step exceeds the size of the dialogue box.

    #003W: When you encounter the Black Knight for the first time, there is mispelled text. "Then a...cheery tune stars plaing? [playing].

    #004W: For the trip up the mountains, the following text is a bit off. "During you [your] travels up the mountain, you find a large

    tunnel entrance leading into pitch black darkness.

    #005W: A portion of Camilla's description text is duplicated twice.

    #006W: The loss of spirt against the Mimic overflows the text and history boxes. This happened during Mimic Tighten.

    #017W: Upon getting the Mountain Temple checkpoint, the following text is missing a letter. "(Currently the emple [temple] dungeon is

    not available, but will be in a future update. At some point.)"

    1. Thank you for posting these!

      Here or any forum the game is on is fine for bug reports btw.
