Sunday, 4 August 2019

v20.4b change log

Minor Tweaks
-Changed how xAlignment is done for enemies so it's easier to adjust them.
-Slightly shifted the position of Kunoichi trainees to better center them due to their tails.
-Scooted 2 enemy sized encounters further apart.
-Made it more consistent with how NPCs are shunted over to the side in town so they aren't all over the place.

-Fixed some expressions not displaying correctly and instead displaying text or crashing the game.
-Fixed the victory events for Mika not playing quite right at the start.
-Fixed a game crash when selling items.
-Suckle is now usable if you are in Blowjob or titfuck stances, but not on the person using them on you.
-Fixed Shizu's clones ending the fight if you beat them.
-Fixed anti butt pop up in a mika conversation.
-Assorted typo and edits.

Save Integrity: Good, probably. Make sure to load your old save in town!
Mod Integrity: Goodish. -Reminder to manually update your save in options while in town, if you want to use an old save when you add mods.

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