Saturday, 30 November 2019
V21.5a Change Log
Important for any pre v21.5 saves: be sure to be in town square when updating. All progress with NPCs,Donations, and Debt have been completely reset due to system changes, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Also: Due to a change in town background stuff, if you move out of a location in town npcs will be hidden, move to the adventure map to fix this. Will only happen once.
Modding and systems
-Mod loader has been updated to accommodate for the removal of NPCs and alteration to brothel events thanks to StrangeMan52.
-Added RemoveInputFromPlayerEros function. (for stuff like debt in the guild.)
-Added {playerMoney} text function to display how much money the player has.
-Fixed a crash with one of Lillians talks, the one about elena.
-Elena no longer randomly gets naked during her intro in the guild hall.
-Fixed Amber's intro constantly repeating.
-Fixed paying debt not actually costing money.
-Fixed Elena's area progress events constantly repeating.
-Revised the InputProgress line to display the last line shown instead of 'how much.'
-Fixed an issue on new games that could cause monsters to gain status effect that the player has, plus other potential oddities I may not have noticed related to this.
-Fixed event damage recoil adding decimals to player arousal.
-The back option for in the blessing menu now sends you to the correct option menu instead of tossing you back to the church.
-Fixed an issue where some players, instead of getting Holy Headpat, would get an entirely different move.
-Fixed nude and clothed Elena being at different Y placements.
-Fixed losing and being sent to church messing up the town background again.
-Assorted typo and editing fixes.
-Remember to load your save in town.
Friday, 29 November 2019
V21.5 Change Log
Important for old saves: be sure to be in town square when updating. All progress with NPCs,Donations, and Debt have been completely reset due to system changes, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Also: Due to a change in town background stuff, if you move out of a location in town npcs will be hidden, move to the adventure map to fix this. Will only happen once.
-Second half of the game's intro has been revised. The part with Vivian and Elena. Also changed Vivian's last name to von Voss from von Kaar. Because it sounds better and fits her better.
-Church Updated
---Heavily revised the donation/fixing sensitivity/fetish blessing system at the church.
---Gave Lillian multiple new conversations, she also has a new skill to teach you.
---Revised the acquisition method for Demon Layer. (If you already have it you still get to do the event.)
---1 new glory hole event
---1 new very substantial waiter event (Mara)
---Revised all of Vivian's existing Dialogue to better fit her intended character, and added a few new conversations to her in the inn. I plan to add some more content/conversations to her in a future update.
-Guild sisters character intros have been updated to better and more informative about the game.
-Added a bit of tutorial info to Amber's Forest Dungeon complete scene informing you she gets more items in store.
-Entering the Hidden Glade now requires a flat 30 luck instead of the check, or the alternate unlock requirement.
-Lowered the donation count from fixing sensitivities and fetishes from 25% to 10% of eros spent. Blessings now get doled out after fetish and sens fixing as well so they will be less secret.
-Every time you visit Tabitha you now get a little bit of extra affection, until you get invited to her home, then the free affection is capped. Should allow people to more easily progress with her content without picking options they don't want to.
-Titfucking, Face Fuck, Breast Nuzzle, and Pussy Worship are now considered Indulgent skills for the sake of tagging them in perks and terminology.
-Pacing now decreases recoil damage by 20% down from 25%. By which I mean it is no longer increasing how much recoil damage you're taking by 25% due to a mistake.
-Touch of Ecstacy now increases how much recoil damage you take by 10%.
-Nymphs Blessing now increases your seduction sensitivity by 10% down from 25%.
-Haggler now takes 15 allure to acquire, down from 20.
-Vivian now has her art by Kenshin187 is now in game.
-Mara has Vivian's old art that has been revised, by Plasmid.
Modding and systems
-Revised how brothel events are called and stored.
-NPC files and lists have been cleared from the game. If you want to transfer a mod npc over, look at the npc files in game for an example.
-Added perk type, MinStatCheckDie, which increases the minimum dice your d20 can roll in a stat check.
-Added perk types, RestSpiritRestored, RestEnergyRestored, RestArousalRestored, they boost the respective stat recovered when resting at rest spots. arousal and energy increase the percentage regained.
-Added a IfHasSkill function for the player.
-Added GivePerkPoint and GiveExp functions.
-Added RemoveMonster function to allow removal of the currently focused monster in combat.
-Revised what speaker type does. Aka you no longer need to set Monster or NPC, it currently only cares if you put a '?' there, for a speaker with a custom name with no card assosiated.
-Added MonsterArrived function for monsters, which is called at the start of combat for every monster in the encounter before StartOfCombat is done, and also when the monster is added via the AddMonsterToEncounter function. Must be called within the first 10 lines of the monster's dialogue content.
-StartOfCombat must now be called within the first 10 things of combat dialogue.
-Added RequiresFetishLevelEqualOrGreater to menu requirement options
-Added Foreplay Boost and Indulgent Boost perk types to boost the damage of said skills by a percent.
-Renamed perk type Recoil Decrease to Recoil Damage Taken
-Added ChangeForm function to AddMonsterToEncounter, "AddMonsterToEncounter", "ChangeForm", "Imp" for example will exchange the currently focused monster for an imp, instead of adding in an imp. Maintaints arousal, spirit, stances, and status effects.
-The IfStatEqualsOrMore function no longer uses a while loop inside itself and functions like the other jumpscene checks, removing it's need for a fail condition jump.
-Added AddTributeToProgress, DonateToGoddess, SensitivityRestore, and PurgeFetishes functions have been added for events to get to the church features.
-Added SkillShoppingMenu and ShoppingMenu functions to allow stores and skill shops ANYWHERE in an event, instead of locked with the npc system. eg, "ShoppingMenu", "Calming Potion", "Soothing Potion", "Energy Potion", "endStoreMenu"
-Removed multiple depreciated functions such as ChangeDebt, GetNPCAffectionEqualsOrGreater, IntroduceNpcs, and ChangeAffection.
-The return stack is cleared more often which should stop people from expereince slowdown during very long adventures.
-Toxic Matango's Paralysis Spores can now make you orgasm so you have less time to escape potentially due to her AI.
-Changed how the game decides when to display a monsters 'playerLowHealth' dialogue, to never display if the skill normally doesn't display dialogue from the monster, to avoid double lines from event call skills, and overextending really long and descriptive skills.
-Town now displays backgrounds the same as events, so they wont shift erratically.
-You can now add Vili's phantasms to a dungeon exploration if you've completed her trial.
-Fixed a bunch of instances where Shizu got the wrong expression in combat.
-Fixed Touch of Ecstacy's decreasing the chance of crits on you by 5% instead of increasing.
-Fixed some incorrect spots in the mod manual.
-Assorted typo and editing fixes.
-Remember to load your save in town.
Monday, 4 November 2019
v21.1 Change Log
-Added two new consensual sex scenes to Amy.
-Lowered Fae Moon Rune's paralysis res to 10% from 20%, and the Fairy circle Ring's from 40% to 30%, the stun reduction is unchanged.
-Aiko now has art by ADOPOLICH.
-Tweaks to Camilla's spider body and expressions/face have been made and implemented. -By Jiffic
-Salaris now actually use their Hunting Howl skill.
-Ghosts should now orgasm via sex moves.
-Tantric thrust no longer crashes the game when used on a ghost.
-Amy wont be mad at you when you go see her again after apologizing. Unless you piss her off again somehow.
-Letting the Toxic Matango lead when you have a certain perk no longer improperly sends you to church.
-Other Ghosts will now properly join in if you end up in sex or oral with just one.
-Energy drain and arousal on orgasm triggers will no longer go off when edging.
-Altered the Toxic Matango's event status effect calls to remove odd cases where people got charm instead of aphrodisiac.
-Fixed a bug that could cause older saves to not properly update the skill database. This is what was causing some people to not have Seductive Dynamo and similar perks not function.
-Max Trance stacks stun chance calculation now properly reduces chances based on willpower and luck, instead of increasing them.
-Recoil damage is now applied during combat event calls for both the player and enemies. Please report any events that should have recoil damage but dont occur, or any events with recoil damage occuring when it shouldn't.
-Nicci's titfuck scene should trigger properly now.
-Assorted typo and wording fixes.
-Remember to load your save in town.
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