Wednesday, 11 August 2021

V23.9e Change Log

Remember to load your save from the town square.


  • Using the leg sweep reversal on Feng and beating her like this now properly registers that you cum and sets your arousal to 0.
  • Getting Belle's brothel scene at work no longer makes you skip sleeping.
  • Shortened the filename of ChocolateMarshmallowTemptation.json to ChocoMallowTempt.json to prevent it from causing a crash if the game was nested in a buncha folders and stuff. Be sure to make a fresh install or delete the original ChocolateMarshmallowTemptation.json file if you are having this crash.
  • Venefica will now actually use her Marshmallowy Love skill when in sex and breast smother stances.
  • If Feng would orgasm the same time she would power herself up at low hp, she no longer does the scene powering up and instead just orgasms.
  • If you ask Cathy about having sexy, Heather will no longer be stuck looking worried during any lewd scenes with Cathy afterwards.
  • Fixed an event break in Venefica's Umbral Mania skill.
  • Fixed Venefica's sex loss scene defaulting to her normal one if Elly was still up.
  • Assorted typo and editing fixes.

Sunday, 8 August 2021

V23.9d Hotfix Change Log

Remember to update your save in town square.


  • The repeat perk removal scene for Stella is now actually properly linked and doesn't break the event still.
  • Fixed a crash in the unmarked chocobar scene.

Saturday, 7 August 2021

V23.9c Change Log

Remember to update your save in town square.


  • When working at the brothel, if you roll an easy shift at midnight, it will automatically make you sleep until morning, rather than having time advance to morning leaving without fully being healed.
  • Changed the background in the Venefica pet dream to be the forest so people don't get confused.
  • Added the ability to ask Elly about the special unmarked chocobar even if you had concluded Venefica's quest, allowing you to still access her reaction scene in this case.


  • Getting 10 panacea's from lucille now works properly instead of exiting the church.
  • Added the scene for if you remove Stella's perk a second time, rather than it breaking the event.
  • Fixed an issue where if you lost to Vili's last battle you could still be considered to be in a stance in your next fight.
  • Fixed a few minor incorrect expression calls with The Tengu and Shizu.
  • Fixed ghosts not orgasming from their special group hit interactions if there was less than 3 of them.
  • Fixed fucking the Toxic Matango then fighting her not putting you into the sex stance in combat.
  • Added a failsafe to Stella's event that will fix it for older saves that somehow had the MetStella choice set to something other than "" or "MetStella" likely due to an old bug. This is what was causing people to enter into her event, then get booted out.
  • When losing to Sofia in the sex stance, you are now properly game overed instead of being casually being sent to town.
  • Imps riding you can now orgasm from recoil damage.
  • The penetration skill now properly has the Penetration skill tag and is correctly calculating damage for a skill of its type.
  • Added a failsafe to stop very specific instances where penetrative damage bonuses could double up.
  • Fixed assorted typos and editing things.

Monday, 2 August 2021

v23.9b Hotfix Change Log

**Remember to update your save in town square.** **Fixes** * Fixed the game crashing on enemy orgasm because I did a stupid.

v23.9a Change Log

Remember to update your save in town square.


  • Some adjustments were made to Awakened Sofia's ass pics to allow for better framing when used in game, and the positioning of them has been changed in game to allow for a better focus on the ass.
  • The loading screen image has been updated with special thanks to Jiffic.


  • Changing Vili's bust size when visiting no longer takes you to the talking menu afterwards.
  • Fixed a broken event call in the Mountain Climb adventure that cause you to get warped into the temple preventing the game from progressing normally.
  • Fixed Stella double charging you for her perk stuff.
  • Fixed the retroactive skill points giving you one extra. If you have said point already it won't be taken away lol.
  • Fixed Stella not showing off her boobs when she should.
  • Stella's scenes now all have proper orgasm calls.
  • Fixed talking to Stella in your room repeating the talk in room intro.
  • Fixed an issue where you could glitch out the retroactive skill points and get basically as much as you wanted.
  • Fixed 'you are no longer charmed' msg being doubled up if you cure it with an item.
  • Elena's art now properly appears when doing Jora's first quest part when she should.
  • When interacting with Stella at home you can no longer use your inventory.
  • Fixed an instance where music in Stella's event wouldn't go back from the loss music when in your room.
  • Fixed Stella acting like she'd seen your dick before even if she had not in some cases.
  • Fixed generic enemies not having 'The' before their name when climaxing and showing spirit loss.
  • Day passing check for Stella's lipstick effect now ticks that down instead of Venefica's milking pet.
  • Assorted typos and editing fixes