Monday, 23 July 2018

Alpha v17.3 change log

v17.3 change log

-Fixed issue with events getting skipped after combat.
-Same fix should also have fixed any revertible list errors people have been getting. Hopefully.
-Fixed a REALLY DUMB crash when you tried to save close to the start of the game when character art was on screen.

Save Integrity: Good, probably. Make sure to load your old save in town!
Mod Integrity: Goodish. -Reminder to manually update your save in options while in town, if you want to use an old save when you add mods.


  1. how long is the game right now from start to finish, ish? havent tried it yet, but gonna try it out once most of the story is completed.

  2. Another report.

    #015B: You can spend resistance points on a sensitivity that has been increased by enemy encounters. This allows the bypassing of resistance floors, pushing them to a lower level than normally possible. EG: 0% pain.

    #016B: Some encounters with a treasure chest in the Mystic Forest has no graphics, other encounters with a chest in the same area does.

    I would like to make a suggestion regarding the shop. Considering that the player can't equip more than three runes nor more than one accessory, having the ability to sell all excess gear with one click would be nice.

  3. #016B: The encounter with the Kunoichi on the Mountain Ascent doesn't have breast skills listed, despite no indication of a binding to prevent that play.
