Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Alpha v19.1 changelog

Balancing Changes
-Consico Powder now removes 5 stacks of trance instead of 4.             
-Excessive arousal no longer increases spirit loss. Meant to do this a while ago as it’s not well communicated in any way, will probably see some form of reimplementation at some point with specific enemies.
-The boss fight no longer has skills that apply 2 trance per round if they hit.
-Two of the temple bosses’ skills no longer apply trance and instead apply charm for a similar reason to above.
-Temple boss fight’s attack boost is now 300% from 400% so blocking it is more effective.
-Boosted some stats of the temple boss on normal and phase 1 hard.
-Lowered temple bosses rewards on normal.
-Phase 2 of the temple boss hard fight now has increased status effect resistances and slightly lower sensitivities to make it closer to on par with phase 1.
-Removed level requirement for the advanced thrust skills, increased stat requirement.

-Sophia now has art by Jiffic. Her combat and loss scene do not use her expressions yet, as her intended update for v20 will do things.

-SetArousalToXUnlessHigherThanX and SetArousalToXUnlessHigherThanXThenAddY functions added, mostly for lost scene purposes.
-IfPlayerArousalOverPercentOfMax - If the players arousal is over a certain percent, jump to scene. You can go over 100%!
-Monster additions now exist! Check monsterAdditionExample.json for an example! They replace dialogue if you add in a matching instance of dialogue, and can also add images to enemies who don’t have it much easier than existing methods.
-Adventure additions now exist, mostly if you want to replace an adventure’s deck entirely, but has some other functionality.

-Fixed an issue where 'displayPlayerChoice’ or 'displayMonsterChoice', could crash the game if called  before a menu.
-Fixed a crash caused by a targetHisorShe in a skill.
-Fixed Shizu’s masochism conversation from jumping to an event instead of a scene.
-A second Kunoichi trainee can no longer put you into the foot job stance if you’re in the anal stance with one already.
-Turning kunoichi trainee encounter’s on and off again work’s correctly now.
-Fixed the Tengu’s skill Gale Force breaking the game.
-Fixed an infinite loop error in the kunoichi fight on the mountain.
-Fixed Himika’s temptation move accidentally switching to Mizuko’s in rare cases, as well as some incorrect trigger detecting for fetishes.
-Fixed talking to Minoni breaking time and space.
-Fixed an issue where beating the temple boss on hard could get you multiple instances of their reward.
-May have fixed an issue where analyze could crash the game.
-Fixed a name display issue in the last Temple boss intro.
-Fixed an issue where one of feng’s skills could crash the game.
-Fixed stances, status effects and targeting not displaying correctly for multi enemy fight’s with images.
-Fixed multiple enemies of the same kind in the same out of combat scene all changing their image to be the same.
-Fixed an issue where the wrong character’s expression could change in an instance where multiple enemies had images. Such as surrendering.
-Mizuko’s attack buff only lasts 1 turn instead of 2, like it was supposed to.
-Himika’s restrain skill can no longer be used if the player is in the face sit stance.
-displayCharacters now clears the monster encounter to remove extras from loss scenes, as fun as the extra characters on screen could be.
-Kotone’s reward now properly gives it’s reward.

-Kunoichi trainee victory scene edits and other assorted edits by WilliamTheShatner

Save Integrity: Good, probably. Make sure to load your old save in town!
Mod Integrity: Goodish. -Reminder to manually update your save in options while in town, if you want to use an old save when you add mods.

Saturday, 17 November 2018

Alpha v19 change log

-Temple Dungeon Content
                -One last minor boss before the final boss, including numerous sex and dialogue scenes for them.
                -The final boss of the temple dungeon is now able to be fought! And the dungeon can now be completed! (Hard mode of the fight might be too hard, so let me know!)
                -Kotone’s side quest can now be completed. But there may be some inconsistencies in her content I missed, as well as more fluffy content that needs to be added still.

-The kunoichi on the mountain now has new tricks up her skin-tight sleeves, one of which requires your character to have a foot fetish. She also has two new loss scenes.
-Some tweaks to the oni brothel event to have better continuity.

-The imp now has art by houpo!
-Elly now has art by Jiffic!

-Counter attack skills can now properly function for monsters. Check KunoichiCombatEvents.json for an example.
-Added CallMonsterAttack combat function for in case a counter attack set up fails. Can also be used for other means, such as repeated attacks in a row via event if you want them to be different random attacks.
-Added SetSkipMonsterAttack combat function, which sets the focused monster’s attacks to be skipped until they are resumed.
-SetResumeMonsterAttack is called to resume the focused monsters attacks.
-Added SaveNextLine function, used for displaying the next line in a menu if the way to that menu is complex, aka temple random encounters.
-Added ChoiceToDisplayPlayer and ChoiceToDisplayMonster Sets the choice to display for the player or monster slot base on an existing choice slot’s text, primarily used for nick names or changing a monster name to something else, eg genric species to actual name. Requires use of a text function, and is not reset until used again, so be sure to call it at the start of your event.
- Added ChoiceToDisplayPlayerFromOtherEvent and ChoiceToDisplayMonsterFromOtherEvent – same as above but checks a different event.
-Added text functions {displayPlayerChoice} and {displayMonsterChoice} for use with the prior event functions related to them.
-SetChoiceToPlayerName and SetChoiceToPlayerNameFromOtherEvent – For the above as well, set the selected choice to the player’s name. In case you want to add romantic/pet name options for events. There is also “SetChoiceTo PlayerName” to have it set to the players name with a space at the start for specific instances.
-Added SetFlexibleSpeaker and FlexibleSpeaks, First one can be set for any speaker for the event, and the second one uses the set speaker, is used for niche cases where you want to change the speaker, but not the entire dang scene for it.
-Added "ClearFightForVictory",  and "EndCombat" functions to easily clear and end a combat and give proper rewards for it.
-Rehauled how the “Menu” function tracks the requirements so they can be used in any order before the menu option.
-HideOptionOnRequirementFail can now be called before a menu option with a requirement to make it not display it’s requirements.
-RequiresMinimumProgress – RequiresMinimumProgressFromEvent - RequiresChoice -RequiresChoiceFromEvent – have all been added to the menu requirements options. No more need for branching scenes to have different options via these! They never display an option requirement if the player doesn’t meet them, so a pre-emptive HideOptionOnRequirementFail is not required.
-IfMonsterSpiritGone – Combat function to go to a scene if the focused monster is out of spirit.
-RefreshMonster – Combat function to completely heal a monster and remove all status effects.
-ChangeMonsterLevel – Changes the focused monster’s level.
-ChangeMonsterErosDrop and ChangeMonsterExpDrop – Change the respective drop for the monster.
-Added the RemovePerk function! It removes perks!

-Fixed an issue where NPCAdditions with no items or skills would grab one anyways.
-Fixed an issue where the player could use skills from the character menu infinitely even if they lacked the energy to do so.
-Temple room descriptions now display post combat.
-You can now use Deep kiss on someone making out with you while someone else is giving you a blowjob.
-An issue with the unbounded perk not ending restraints for the player should be fixed.
-Fixed items the player has equipped not updating correctly so you could theoretically get permanent negative or positive stats when items were updated/changed.
-The trance status effect can now properly stun the player more than one time.
-Mimic’s sub expression is now the correct size.
-Fixed a potential crash when super surrendering, and an issue where it could grab a monster from your last combat for the loss scene if you used it immediately.
-Fixed a numbering issue with the AddMonsterToEncounter function.
-Enemies no longer try to pose provocatively or be unsure what to do if restrained or stunned.
-Fixed an issue where the AI wouldn’t use stance starting skills in group combat if it wasn’t the first enemy to go.
-Fixed enemy end of round function calls getting the wrong monster in group encounters.
-The SkipPlayerAttack function now works for the entire players turn and not just for monster counters.
-Enemies should no longer respond to attacks from the player that have been interrupted.
-Enemies use trance related skills even if the player is at maximum trance.
-Perk choice on level up will no longer stick around the next time you get a perk. For real this time.
-DefeatMonster function no longer crashes the game if used in multi enemy fights.
-Calling a monster name for a team attack that doesn’t require the attacking monster to be in a stance but the other monster to be in one will now properly fetch the name.
-The lion’s pride equipment perk now has the correct description.

-WilliamTheShatner has finished editing Kotone’s hypnosis room content, the power trials, the glade event, and more!

Save Integrity: Good, probably. Make sure to load your old save in town!
Mod Integrity: Goodish. -Reminder to manually update your save in options while in town, if you want to use an old save when you add mods.