Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Alpha v18.5 change log

-Ancilla now has art by Applehead.

-Added the following combat functions. ChangeMonsterMaxArousal, ChangeMonsterMaxSpirit ,ChangeMonsterPower, ChangeMonsterWill, ChangeMonsterTech, ChangeMonsterAllure, ChangeMonsterLuck, ChangeMonsterSensitivity, ChangeMonsterStatusEffectResistances, and ChangeMonsterFetish. They work exactly the same as the player versions, but for the currently focused monster.
-Added NPC additions, check the NPCAdditionExample.json for an example. Aka you can now add content onto existing NPCs if you want.
-Added Event additions, check the EventAdditionExample.json for an example. Aka you can add onto and edit existing events if you want. If a scene in the addition has the same name as a pre-existing scene in the event, it will replace the original.
-Added RequiresEvent, RequiredEventProgress, WhichEventChoice, and RequiredEventChoice as an optional set of NPC dialogue requirement checks, if you want to use them you must put all four. NPCAdditionExample.json has it in one of it’s dialogues.

-Combat events no longer crash into the ground for no reason, aka tengu instant breaking combat.
-If multiple enemies orgasm at the same time, they both fade out correctly.
-Fixed an issue where enemies couldn’t escape a stance with the player if the player was stunned, asleep, restrained or fully tranced, instead of getting out of the stance assuredly.
-Invigorate, and similar skills, now work correctly again. It must have accidently been undone during the resolution changes.
-Fixed an issue where image changes called during surrender weren’t working correctly.

-Should be last small update before v19 happens. Hopefully.

Save Integrity: Good, probably. Make sure to load your old save in town!
Mod Integrity: Goodish. -Reminder to manually update your save in options while in town, if you want to use an old save when you add mods.

Monday, 1 October 2018

Alpha v18.4 change log

-Added a new event to the forest. Mostly as a free space for starting players, and as a special reward for luck builds. There is a second way to get it though…

-Fixing fetishes and sensitivities now counts less towards tribute/donations for the goddess.

-Added IfTributeStep function to check the tribute level for goddess statue. It currently goes up to 6.
-Added PermanentlyChangeSensitivity function so sensitivities can be negatively altered permanently.
-The example mod now has an example of how to add an image to your mod, just check perpetua’s monster file in the example mod and the images folder in the example mod.

-Fixed an issue where the Return to town function borked stuff if it was called in a loss scene, Lillian is not Nicci.
-Enemies no longer decide to just give up and instant lose for no reason.
-Enemy responses to being analyzed, at least those that have it. Now display properly.
-Fixed one of Camilla’s dialogue paths to not change the background back to the mountain.
-The switch to turn on and off encounters on the blue side now sets up correctly if you try to use it after completing the blue side. It will also fix itself if you wander around the blue side locations.
-ChangeArousalByPercent now changes the players arousal instead of setting it.
-Super surrendering no longer has a pointless round of combat.
-Fixed an issue where fetishes could carry between a game you were playing and starting a new game.
-Kunoichi trainee’s can no longer double footjob you as the context made no sense for the skill. Also should prevent the issue where their double team scene didn’t play.
-Assorted typos and grammar fixes!

Save Integrity: Good, probably. Make sure to load your old save in town!
Mod Integrity: Goodish. -Reminder to manually update your save in options while in town, if you want to use an old save when you add mods.