Wednesday, 6 December 2023

v25.8a Changelog

 **Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**

**Notice from v25.6 : Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.**


* Fixed an issue where the game could crash if you went straight to exploring after skipping the intro.

* Fixed a crash when starting the gridmap if you've never been on a gridmap prior.

* Fixed a crash related to enemies struggling out of stances.

* Fixed a crash related to the player struggling out of stances.

* Fixed an issue where clicking/tapping anywhere on a gridmap would proc a tile event if you were on one, such as a trap, which could lead to a number of accidental lewds.  

* Tabitha's silhouette no longer has bits of her normal art peeking through in her initial intro.

* Fixed using gridmap interact actions [like triggering a trap intentionally, or the door] not making the npcs move after that.

* Fixed mods adding new victory scenes to monsters through additions to monsters who have 0 scenes not actually playing the added scenes.

* Assorted typo and editing fixes.

Thursday, 30 November 2023

v25.8 Change Log

**Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**

**Notice from v25.6 : Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.**


* Ushris now has a few new fluff conversations (accessible via the "Ask more about her." talk option), one of which unlocks a footjob scene. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.

* Ambrosia now has a number of fluff conversations, a Slippery Sixty-Nine scene, and an option that unlocks a chance to fuck her while she's sleeping upon visiting her. By Threshold. Edited by Valentin Cognito.

* Scenes for Ambrosia called 'Lazily lie together and let her slime suck you off.' and 'Languid Lovemaking.' added. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.


* Ceris now has a CG of her pressing her breasts against glass for her pink tile temptation event. By Elakan.


* Tuned up how the auto save logic works a bit. Given MGD has a lot of choice pop ups, it no longer triggers during those every time, and should instead do it on its own every 150 interactions, or whenever you close the game.

* Added the ForceAutoSave function [Modders can use this too!], and added one call to Rika's convo scene in order to ensure players have a backup save for reasons.

* Save and Load screen confirmation prompts now clearly state you are Overwriting/Loading instead of vaguely saying Yes/No, in order to help avoid accidentally being on the wrong screen. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* The Quick Menu "Toggle" behavior, found in the Quick Menu settings (via Options), has been improved. It will now automatically close the Quick Menu upon pressing a Quick Menu button (excluding skip). By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* The Quick Menu toggle button has been visually updated, primarily to be less distracting on mobile, in order to better fit its purpose. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* WASD can now be used as an alternative to the arrow keys anywhere. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* You can now use a dpad and joystick on the gridmap. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Character menu confirmation prompts have been revamped to grab focus, have less vague names for buttons, and use more consistent styling that is also easier to press on mobile. By feltcutemightcleanlater.


* Nara's no-stance loss scene has been gone over with a tune up editing pass by Valentin Cognito.


* Evasion now caps at 50%.

* Beris can no longer spam her restraint Skills while you're still immune to restraints... excluding her super rush moves which can still occur in unfortunate situations.

* Deep Fish traded in to Seafoam are now only worth 200 instead of 300 so as not to break economics if you buy a bunch from Silver and then give them to the village.

* Monsters are now able to try and escape from single stances in situations where they are adverse to that one stance for some reason.

* Spank is now available against monsters in the titfuck or blowjob stance, cause why not.


* Auria's Perk now properly tells you how much money it's taking in exchange for its benefits. By Valentin Cognito.

* In rare instances where you're restrained, Ushris no longer dodges attacks you can't make.

* Fixed an issue where the very first .json event file loaded in would do weird stuff when using certain functions related to the call scene and return stuff. By feltcutemightcleanlater+Thresh.

* Berri Cherri Jelly now recovers 50% of your energy instead of 100%.

* [DamageToEnemy] can no longer double print crit and weak/resist text in some instances.

* Fixed an issue where sometimes [SexWord] and [SexAdjective] would not display anything.

* Fixed various scenarios where the in-game mod installer couldn't download a mod from Github and other websites, most notably by allowing for unknown file sizes on download. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Fixed a bug where, if you had a skill or equipment confirm open in the character menu, you could go back at any time to use it, even in situations where that would be unavailable, such as mid-combat, allowing you to get a free heal.

* When the player is in multiple stances against one monster and chooses to struggle against only one of them, that one's stance's hp pool will be correctly damaged instead of damaging all the stances.

* Fixed an issue where the player being afflicted with Stun, Restraint, and similar effects didn't let monsters escape stances instantly when they tried.

* Fixed characters with Perks that make them adverse to certain stances being totally fine with being in the stance if it was ordered differently, eg [Sex, Making out] ok, [Making out, sex] escape! So now they always do it.

* Overlimit's debuff now refreshes properly whenever you use it, instead of the prior debuff staying with its duration if it was active.

* Fixed a crash in the blowjob from Imp scene (the one happening during the Ancilla cleaning stuff) if you had low Virility.

* When fighting the Imp den in separate groups, the proper song now plays the entire time for each battle.

* Shizu's Punishment Training now clears Arousal and such with an orgasm call.

* The little hovering thing for the Labyrinth now resets when you trigger an event, so it's not being highlighted when your mouse is no longer pointing at it.

* When in the grid map, tile events will now properly trigger even if you triggered an npc event, meaning you can no longer run into Beris or Ushris on a tile that would restore your line of sight, leaving things dark when you should be able to see in phase 1.

* Tuned up a bunch of movement animations when event triggers are involved while on the grid map.

* Fixed an issue where StanceStruggleFree, StanceStruggleComment, and StanceStruggleFail lines were not being called correctly when the highest priority stance for dialogue wasn't first in the monster's current stances, leading to some weirdness like the blue slime CG staying on screen, as well as weird lines, when struggling from all stances.

* Minor touch ups to some of the character bubbles on the main menu to fix small errors.

* Trading in a lot of item fish (like over 700) to Seafoam should no longer cause the game to detect an infinite loop. Probably.

* There should no longer be a niche crash situation when a status effect misses a monster that is resistant to the effect.

* Assorted typo and editing fixes.

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

v25.7 Change Log

**Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**

**Notice from v25.6 : Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.**


* Part 1 out of likely 3 of helping Sleim Vllge's development has been added, which is primarily some small scenes on helping them out, a very small and simple mini game that can be unlocked, recruiting a bubble slime to join the town, and adding new items to the store there. Edited by Valentin Cognito.

* Once the bubble slime is recruited (She only has sex options right now) you can repeat the normal bubble slime events massage scenes with slightly changed dialogue in a few spots. Edited by Valentin Cognito.

* Said bubble slime also has a new Hugging Handjob scene in the village. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.

* Auria now has a "Complimentary Compliments" scene if you have spent 25000 Eros or more... plus follow-up scenes if you've partaken of her naughty transactions. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.

* Small additions and tweaks to Ampere's "How about we go to your place?" sequence to 1) make it clearer that she's subtly Voltlin-zapping you into horniness and 2) fix some parts that read oddly regarding size difference in the "Romantic passionate sex!" scene. By Valentin Cognito.


* Ushris' feet CGs now have variations with one leg down to cover some scenes better. By ADOPOLICH.

* The inn brothel rooms now have their own BG image. By Danimarion.


* Added more and clearer hints for the Labyrinth floor 3 key hunt.

* A 'Sell Junk' button was added to the item shop for conveniently selling looted items from enemies, with option to set an excess amount to keep, by default 3. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Added quick menu settings to the options menu on all platforms. This allows you to sort, remove, and add buttons to the quick menu, including ones previously not available on Android. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Added option to toggle the quick menu into view with a top right corner button instead of always on for mobile and on hover for desktop respectively. See the quick menu settings in the options menu. By feltcutemightcleanlater.


* Fixed Analyze showing status effect immunities with a , instead of a . if there was only one, but other resistances.

* Fixed Venefica not taking back the Raw Candy when she catches you in some circumstances.

* Wild Venefica no longer uses her response dialogue to being hit with Demon Layer before she is hit with Demon Layer.

* Ushris no longer crashes the game when you steal her hat inside exploration mode, aka not on the Labyrinth's grid map.

* You can no longer get Auria's puff puff scene even if you don't have the money for it.

* Fixed Venefica using the wrong expression in a number of occasions where she should be using her loving expression. By feltcutemightcleanlater+Thresh.

* Fixed combat tooltip for targets staying up after choosing. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Fixed an issue with some saves not being able to use items in the character menu. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Attempt to fix buttons and text overlaying in the load screen in certain scenarios. Please report the bug if it still occurs.  By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Assorted typo and editing fixes.

Monday, 2 October 2023

v25.6a Change Log

 **Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**

**v25.6 notice: All mods for prior versions will likely break in this one. If you've been using any mods, their authors will need to release an updated version.**

**v25.6 notice: Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.**


* Mild update to the Ushris CG cross legged variation that is currently not used. By ADOPOLICH.


* Camilla's Veil can now actually be toggled off when making mods or game content without her .json needing to get modded.


* Fixed Nicci saying her name repeatedly in her Nursing loss scene. She now also applies fetish and sensitivity gains too, and you also don't go to town at 0 spirit.

* Fixed the imp CGs anal coverage making their sex stance imp stop appearing.

* Fixed a visual opacity bug with the text box with a few of the town locations.

* Fixed a few of Selena's event ends not setting the background back in the labyrinth.

* Fixed Beris' Blazing Gyration always saying pussy even in anal.

* Waiting in combat will no longer briefly show your energy going over the maximum if it would.

* Kotone no longer stays nude in a very specific instance after leaving her room.

* Fixed a bug that caused combat menu items in combat to never be insensitive allowing you to do all kinds of things when you shouldn't. By Threshold+feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Fixed bug where hover information on the map can make its way into combat tooltips. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Fixed [SexAdjectives] and [SexWord] not randomizing correctly. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Fixed an amount of assorted typos and editing things.

Friday, 29 September 2023

v25.6 Change Log

 **Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**

**All mods for prior versions will likely break in this one. If you've been using any mods, their authors will need to release an updated version.**

**Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.**


* Going to Ampere's place now presents a second option, Romantic Sex. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.

* Auria now has a Puff Puff scene among her other paid options. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.

* There is now a harpy brothel scene when working at the bar. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.

* Lovol at the Capital entrance now has a dismissive handjob scene if you bother her enough. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.

* The Kunoichi Rope Trap event now has an option to surrender to the ninja's bondage and let her do as she pleases. By Zhuan. Edited by Game Salamander and Threshold.

* Nicci now has a Nursing stance loss scene. By Zhuan. Edited by Game Salamander and Threshold.


* Ushris now has a nude layer like her sisters. It's not used anywhere yet, but it's there! Art by ADOPOLICH.

* Ushris now has a feet-focused CG set with 4 variations. Used in one of her combat attacks and in the black heart tile trap, though at the moment, she always uses both feet even though that trap mentions primarily using one. Art by ADOPOLICH.


* Salarisi in the Labyrinth now change the BG to the Caverns to reflect their flavor lines.

* Resized all menus to use more horizontal space. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Improved performance while advancing dialogue by reducing necessary operations to calculate markup via rewritten custom markup code. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Resistances now have tooltip descriptions in the Character Menu. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Mod menu now supports disabling dated mods and mods without meta jsons before reloading (both are disabled by default). By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Options menu overhauled with improved styling, spacing, and clarity. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Selected buttons in the UI are now distinguished when hovered. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Main menu and side navigation menu have better touch/click detection. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* The write warning on Mac OS now instructs to move the game to the Applications folder with a guide link from Apple. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Inventory can now be sorted in a number of ways, with each category being separate, including a new Loot tab for sanity. By feltcutemightcleanlater.


* Electrify now only takes 30 Int to learn down from 40. So it's only 10 away from the nearest similar Skill from other stats, instead of 20.

**Modding - Modders, see Breaking Changes in the docs for reference on what needs to be done to update your mods, featuring a RegEx command for easy updating.**

* Monster combat dialogue now has an optional 'PlayerRanAway' line trigger for when the player successfully runs away. Made for the Salaris BG change, but could have other uses.

* Added a IfEventExists function for modders who want to check for another mod being active in the game.

* Added SetActiveGridNPC function for shifting focus to a different specific NPC in gridmaps.

* Reworked [UseTextColor] into [StoredColor]. For now, {SetTextColor} is replaced by the SetStoredColor function meant for use with CallEventAndSceneThenReturn/CallSceneThenReturn. See the modding docs for more information. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* All text functions that used {} are now using [] for streamlining internal stuff and optimization, including the above color text functions. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* [SexWords] is now [SexWord] for a dumb internal reason that caused it to stop working. By feltcutemightcleanlater+Threshold.


* Fixed Penetrate mistakenly including a test variable preventing it being used on restrained enemies.

* Fixed two of Perpetua's scenes not triggering climax calls and not clearing Blue Balls effects.

* Shizu will no longer use her temptation move in the Temple fight if both the clones are down, as they are referred to in the event text.

* Fixed the Town's location descriptions when you first enter not being saved to the History Log.

* The Imp lewd cg now displays and Imp riding when you put them in Anal stance for consistency, as otherwise it looks really weird with a blank CG display.

* In rare instances where things match up, Ushris will no longer reposition to right next to or on top of the player when she runs away or is defeated in the Labyrinth Challenge.

* Fixed the Character menu button not reliably being considered selected. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Can now view status effect descriptions in the Character menu by hovering over the corresponding status resistance. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Generally less buggy selectable/unselectable/hover tooltip behavior across the game. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Eliminated various interface overlap issues in the Character menu on mobile (not accounting for mods). By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Fixed accidental regression for mods not using the monster picture fields crashing the game. By feltcutemightcleanlater.

* Typo and editing fixes.

Thursday, 31 August 2023

v25.5a Change Log

**Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**


* Re-added the update save button for situations where the game doesn't think your save needs an update after you've loaded the save.

* Combat that uses the default battle music, now use a new default song when it is night for variety.

* To accommodate for the song being used like this now, the song that plays when ambushing Kaia has changed, and Ceris now has a new combat song. Beris does too by happenstance. With thanks to Val for helping find the 2 new songs.


* Fixed a sneaky crash related to player skills not updating for unusableIfStatusPotency correctly.

* Imps no longer ignore recoil climaxes when using Impish Insert, Mischievous Tighten, or Playful Grind.

* Fixed hiding the UI also hiding CGs.

* Separated the need for unusableIfStatusPotency to match unusableIfStatusEffect in array length. By Feltcutemightcleanlater.

* A smol amount of typo fixies and edits.

Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

v25.4a Change Log

 **Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**


* Nara is no longer affected by the night time monster buff... Because she's not a monster, and she now has a unique combat start line instead of the generic one.

* The victory scene with the Lizard Girl now swaps to a song other than the battle track after a bit.

* There is now a very smol difference in the UI if you're using mods to help with bug reporting and stuff. Desktop only. By Felt+Thresh.


* Fixed the now renamed Proceed to the Capital option not removing itself when you did it, or reappearing even if you had already completed the capital intro.

* In the labyrinth explore, Camilla's event should no longer set the BG to the mountain forever once it's done.

* Fixed an issue that could cause crashes when loading saves outside of town in gridmaps.

* Fixed and issue with stat checks that could cause them to loop in on themselves with the addition of the StatCheckRollUnder compatibility.

* Fixed Ushris trying to spawn a gridmap npc in normal exploration when she runs away leading to some weirdness.

* The mod/file validator debug stuff is no longer improperly available on android and is always toggled off on android startup, which if toggled on in options or inherited from imported desktop save data, it would've slowed load times. By Feltcutemightcleanlater.

* The perk list order is no longer borked by a load speed increase Felt did. Is still faster. By Felt.

* Mod made menu, and shop additions now work properly again. By Felt.

* A smol amount of typo fixies and edits.

Monday, 31 July 2023

Saturday, 17 June 2023

v25.3a Change Log

**Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**


* Fixed a crash I missed in Ampere's chair scene, and fixed another incorrect vfx call that made it display expression change text.

* Fixed an incorrect scene jump in the Kunoichi Rope Trap.

* Fixed running from event fights displaying exp 0 gained.

Friday, 16 June 2023

v25.3 Change Log

 **Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**


* You can now return to the Voltlin Kiosk at the Capital entrance, "featuring expanded content with new conversations and sex scenes. Try visiting the Kiosk at night!. By Thresh. Edited by Val.

* Ampere additionally has a scene where you're her chair, a scene where you eat her out, and even a scene for going back to her place with a currently single option there. By Val. Editied by Threshold

* Iabel now has a loss scene for her ass job combat event, and a loss scene for her petrification event. By Thresh. Edited by Val.

* A new trap event in the Willpower temple called 'Kunoichi Rope Trap' has been added, and can also occur while wandering the temple with kunoichi attacks on. By Zhuan. Edited by Val and Thresh.

**QoL Content**

* There is now an option to tell Venefica that Ushris told you about her shop provided you have met Ushris and have had a specific conversation about the coven. Given this is a one time interaction this will probably be rarely seen, but it feels important.

* Beris at the town bar/brothel now properly registers she met you at the Labyrinth. Ver smol things. As well as a scene where she congrats you on clearing the labyrinth if she likes you enough when setting up for bondage play things.

* Aiko now has sex orgasm lines for the player for the very rare instances you're in that stance with her and climax from recoil damage.


* Added a 'Sell Excess' button to the sell menu in shops that sells all runes you have more than 3 of, and all accessories you have more than 1 of.

* Toggled the history page to be spaced dynamically instead of a flat 270 size, because this was a thing I could do apparently.

**Mod loader QoLs by Feltcutemightcleanlater**

* Downloading a mod as large as Beach Party should be up to 4x faster.

* The progress bar should update at least twice as often while downloading.

* Further clarified error when using a link incorrectly from github.

* Harpy Error message for system write permissions now lets you access the Help screen.

* Fixed gameplay stutter by moving post-initialization loading to a conditional prompt for mod screen. Threshold helped pin down the issue.


* Fixed a crash in multi enemy fights related to {FocusedMonsterName} trying to check an enemy that doesn't exist when defeating multiple enemies at once.

* Fixed a small mention of a work outfit in a talking scene with Mara when not working.

* Fixed a smol issue with the internal fetish list loading on a new game.

* Fixed an issue where Minoni's 'Could you... step on me?' option could appear twice.

* Fixed the hellhound sisters all unintendedly level scaling in exploration.

* Ear tease is no longer usable at all while in the Making Out stance.

* The skill effect 'flatDamageSF-PercentScaling' now actually works when used, which atm only affects a single skill in Venefica's fight, excluding any mods this might apply to.

* The bubble on the main menu for the treasure chest now uses the newer art.

* Assorted typo and editing fixes.

Friday, 19 May 2023

v25.2a Hot Fix

 **Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**

**Note there are mod breaks in this update!**


* Fixed the wrong location files still being in the game because I overwrote the ones in the project and not my work folder then when making sure everything was up to date before putting out the update I overwrote them like a potato.

v25.2 Change Log

**Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**

**Note there are mod breaks in this update!**


* A new no stance loss scene has been added to the generic lizard girl by Game Salamander. Edited by Valentin Cognito and Threshold.


* The player inn room now has its own BG by Danimarion.

* The mimic now has a lewd CG by Otani.

**Desktop Only**

* There is now an in-game mod manager available for the desktop version of the game! This enables installing, managing, and testing mods without restarting the game, and does not innately break any mods. Please read the instruction for its use in-game. This is currently unavailable to android users due to considerable technical limitations. These limitations may be solved at a later date, but no guarantees. Very special thanks to Noeru and Feltcutemightcleanlater for making this feature!

* This allows modders to add an optional meta.json (check 'Getting Started' in Docs) to the base directory of your mod for giving information about your mod in-game for the loader.


* Lowered the opacity of a few UI elements so some assets are innately easier to see. Let me know if this causes any issues with reading text.


* Nightmare mode now scales exp and eros drops up to a degree. Though in some cases atm it may lower them as it's an across the board effect, and many enemies have different degrees considered with their innate values. I may need to add an internal difficulty tracker or something to alter this scaling?

* Gren's Frog Mucus status effect will no longer scale as horrifically when she is scaled up, from 100% of the stat, to 5%.

* You can now put Iabel Purple Heart Tile 4 times into labyrinth exploration so it's easier to get its full effects. Up from 3.


* Added the {FocusedMonsterName} text function for use when randomly picking a monster to focus.

* Changed the "SetChoiceTo PlayerName" to be "SetChoiceToPlayerName" as that was an inconsistency. Said function is only used twice in the game atm so I dunno if any modders even use this thing.

* Changed the perk tag 'MultiplySpirit Loss' to be 'MultiplySpiritLoss' like it should be.

* The fetish list has been updated to accommodate custom fetishes properly, specifically descriptions depending on fetish level in the character menu, which also allows for as many bench marks for lines as you want, rather than just 0/25/50/75/100.


* Fixed a small incorrect skill call in the mimic event.

* Gren's Slimy Thigh Capture and Slimy Thigh Lock skills now have a status duration of 3 instead of 30.

* Kunoichi trainee's Ninja Art: Super Erotic Mist skill can no longer be used solo in the anal stance.

* DamagePlayerFromMonster function should no longer improperly display effective or crit text.

* Fixed an issue with character cards with no art having an extra status effect bar.

* Using Distract or Teleport now properly ends the CG with the Blue slime.

* Fixed an issue where it would say you defeated someone even if you ran away in some cases.

* Fixed RecalculateMonsterErosDrop function applying to the monster's exp drop instead of eros drop.

* A few assorted typo fixes.

Monday, 1 May 2023

v25.1a Change Log

**Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**


* Fixed an issue due to a naming mishap with Perpetua's Neutral expression.

* Fixed an issue where some function texts would display needlessly.

* Fixed Running from Iabel's last fight causing a pointless victory pop up when you left the labyrinth.

* Fixed "InputProgress" being in the wrong search category so it couldn't be found when used. You can now pay your debts again.

* Fixed an issue where spending stats and saving without moving screens or advancing dialogue would result in loading that save having reset the changes.

* A few assorted typo fixes.

Sunday, 30 April 2023

v25.1 Change Log

**Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**


* "Explore the Labyrinth" is now available. However, it is different from a normal exploration, and acts more like a gauntlet nexus. It also has a nightmare toggle that scales all encounters there to your level. Note that for the time being, I can't promise it will be a fully balanced experience. If you've got feedback, let me know!

* Elena's Sex and Titfuck bar scenes have been revamped by Zhuan for improved lewdness. Edited by Valentin Cognito.

* There is now a Kunoichi Trainee Glory Hole scene when working at the brothel. Written by Zhuan. Edited by Valentin Cognito.

**Labyrinth Floor 4 Revision**

* Redesigned and overhauled floor 4 of the Labyrinth to be more enjoyable and better reflect Iabel's themes.

* Updated Iabel's gridmap AI to be more efficient and less prone to running into walls, as well as be more adept at pressuringly sticking to the player. When she feels like it at least.


* Did a bunch of stuff to optimize the 'dialogueSystem' better so the Labyrinth should run less clunk af. Which hopefully didn't break anything.


* "ProgressEqualsOrGreater" is now "IfProgressEqualsOrGreater" for consistency and my own heccing sanity.

* "ProgressEquals" is now "IfProgressEquals" for consistency.

* "ProgressEqualsOrLess" is now "IfProgressEqualsOrLess" for consistency.

* Added the gridmap movement types: ProjectileUp, ProjectileDown, ProjectileLeft, and ProjectileRight.

* There is now an optional timer field for gridmap NPC creation as a more efficient alternative to turn end checks. This also has the NPC handle its timer internally.

* Added AllowRunning function.


* The Big Lake on the world map now has an extra detail to help it stand out as a location (note that it must be unlocked to go there). Art by Jiffic.

* Perpetua has 6 new expressions: Content, Pride, Shy, Neutral, StarryAwe, and StarryJoy. By Jiffic. Her scenes have been gone over to add them where applicable.

* Perpetua's character file has finally been updated to use the layer system. A few of her expressions have also been given updated names to fix outdated naming conventions.


* Fixed a small misalignment with the UI backing for hp/spirit/ep.

* Fixed a smol issue with talk stuff with Beris in the Labyrinth.

* Some tweaks to how Analyze displays Sensitivities and Status Resistances to prevent overflow and also add clarity.

* Fixed an issue where trying to remove a gridmap npc that wasn't there would remove a random gridnpc.

* A few assorted typo fixes.

Friday, 7 April 2023

v25.b Change Log

**Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**


* Fixed a crash due to an errant {/i} in one of Perpetua's sex scenes.

Thursday, 6 April 2023

v25.a Change Log

**Remember to load your save from the town square.**

**Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.**


* Analyze now separates status effect resistances and immunities, though it is still in a vague ballpark.

* Added music calls to Perpetua's sex scenes so you're not listening to that silly song the whole time.


* Fixed Ampere being said by Perpetua in one of her scenes due to Speaks being used instead of Speak. No idea how that got missed.

* Fixed and error related to "StopSoundEffect".

* When Vili climaxes her titfuck cg immediately ends to show of her climax face.

* Fixed a broken music call in D.P.'s loss scene.

* The edited versions of "Triumphant Cozy Reverse Cowgirl 'Throne' Sex." and "Perpetua's Secret Special Ultimate Handjob." scenes are now actually in the game.

* An issue where defeating D.P. with recoil damage could toss you back to town should now be fixed. I think. It's actually weirdly hard to replicate even with recoil damage winning every time.

* Fixed an issue where if a monster lost from recoil damage while using "CallMonsterAttack" it could cause multiple different issues, including making status effects persist past the fight that should be cleared, like restraint, charmed, or others. Which is probably also the same as the above issue as well but this time I know I fixed it for sures.

* Fixed the sell button appearing in skill shops allowing for some very weird as fuck interactions.

* Fixed Vili using the old dungeon back ground for her trials instead of the new one.

* Fixed the 'I'll let you know if I come upon something.' option with Perpetua being a source of unlimited affection points.

* Fixed an issue where global debuff or buff removal through the new function wouldn't clear the given/taken stats leading to problems.

* Talking to Auria about her family no longer has her sister being interested in you if you haven't opened a normal mimic chest yet. This is a new flag so it will require you to do so again to have that smol snippet pop up.

* Fixed an issue where leaving "requiresOnePerkSelf" or "requiresOnePerk" with a blank field [""], would cause a skill to be unselectable, given BlankSkill.json displayed it this way innately it was confusing for modders.

* Fixed assorted typo and editing things.

Thursday, 30 March 2023